Digital Dictionary Project

We’re working on a Digital Dictionary of Grassroots! The students started taking photos today. They went all around the campus, taking pictures of the things and people they think make the school special. A couple of our students who were experienced photographers helped the other kids learn how to use a camera and gave tips on framing shots. 18584_894688500589172_8490561112089103730_n 10408702_894688457255843_6541592669030857641_n 11041275_894688420589180_7278851340654352161_n 11182225_894688580589164_7693607255259816334_n 11193373_894688533922502_7233546179744664403_n 11209703_894688393922516_1193764428466069267_n Eye Lizard by Louis Mulberry by Olivia Olivia Treeclimber by Liam